What we Do
We strive to sell Local, Organic and Exceptional foods while using sustainable practices that promote positive outcomes.
We LOVE products based around passion and craftmanship.
We use plastic in our shop and we are not happy about it! Of course, we use biodegradable packaging wherever possible and are working with our suppliers to eliminate all single use plastics.
We have maximum respect for the environment.
It is time to tidy up the planet and we are doing our bit!
Fair Price
We want everyone to be able to enjoy Good Food so keep our prices as low as we can whilst ensuring that the producers get a fair price for their products.
We work with local family-owned farms and food co-ops to bring quality products direct to you. All our local foods and drinks are form local producers within 25 miles of our shop.
Not So Locally-Sourced
Some of the Good Foods we love are not available locally so we have to search further afield. Usually to small organic farms who have the same passion for Good Food and the Environment that we do. If there is a choice to use a producer who doesn't use chemical fertilisers or pesticides it is a simple choice.
Lasting Experiences
Good Foods (and Drinks) are available daily to ensure you are able to taste, experience and gain a full understanding of how our best ingredients are sourced, packaged and ready for you to enjoy.
We firmly believe in Communities so if you have any events that need support or Good Food please get in touch.