Add To Your WishlistBlowing Stone CRABAPPLE & ROYAL GINGER 42% 700ml

Add To Your WishlistBlowing Stone CRABAPPLE & ROYAL GINGER 42% 700ml

The Blowing Stone ‘Ashdown Series’ has been inspired by the rich local heritage surrounding our distillery in the village of Compton, West Berkshire and celebrates the profound impact of this early medieval period on the course of England’s history.

In conceiving and developing the Blowing Stone gins, we have set out to ‘distil history.’ We bring the events of 9th century Wessex to life through both the design of the spirit bottles and through the way in which we have developed the flavour profiles.

The bottle is designed to be reminiscent of a typical middle-ages drinking vessel, embellished with an intricate hand-drawn Anglo Saxon inspired artwork which subtly conveys the date of the Battle of Ashdown (look closely!).

The Blowing Stone gins have been lovingly crafted using carefully selected botanicals. Following extensive research of the period, we have selected fruits, herbs and some more unusual ingredients which would have been growing wild or readily available at the time of King Alfred the Great’s reign.

We’ve also included some more exotic spices which would have been imported by spice merchants whose aromas would have regularly filled the royal courts. Ginger especially was available only to royals and other 9th century aristocracy.  

To capture and balance these flavours, we use a three-part process combining traditional batch pot distillation methods of steeping and infusion with the careful blending of a fragrant botanical tea.

We hope you feel as we do - that the end result is ‘history distilled’.